General Information

FRCS Tr & Ortho examination has a set format.  It is made up of the written paper, although this is now electronic.  Then a clinical examination and viva session. This website has been developed with the primary aim of helping you in the second part of the examination

final exam

Part 1 - Written exam

The exam is sat in an electoric format, usually in a driving theory test centre.

There are:

110 Single Best Answer (SBA) Questions

135 Extended Matching Item (EMI) Questions

  • 45 blocks of 3 questions

Part 2 - Clinical Viva Exam


Intermediate cases:

2 cases (15 mins).

  • Upper limb/cervical spine
  • Lower limb/lumbar spine/trauma


Image of two young businessmen using touchpad at meeting

Require a concise history.  You should then summarise your history, list your differentials, then the discussion will be based around these and management options.

Allow yourself 5 minutes for history, 5 minutes  forexamination, 5 minutes for discussion

Short Cases:

Short case upper limb (15 mins)

  • 3 cases (5 mins each)

Short cases lower limb (15mins)

  • 3 cases (5 mins each)

Diagnose early, then discuss. You need time to discuss treatment options.


6 x 5min questions in each section

  • Trauma (30 mins)
  • Adult and pathology (30 mins)
  • Paediatrics & hands (30 mins)
  • Basic science (30 mins)

All questions come from a bank and generally start with an image (laminated photocopy or ipad) then lead on to a detailed discussion.

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We offer a comprehensive question bank with hundreds of questions relating to the FRCS Tr & Orth exam.  The website has been designed with the plan to get you prepared for the exam.